divendres, 10 de setembre del 2010

Making my way


I See Your Face Before Me

In a world of glitter and glow,
in a world of tinsel and show,
the unreal from the real thing is hard to know.
I discovered somebody who
could be truly worthy and true.
I found my ideal thing when I met you.

I see your face before me.
You are my only dream.

There is your face before me.
You are my only theme.

If you could see the magic,
if you could see me too,
there would be nothing tragic
in all my dreams of you.

It doesn't matter where you are,

'cos I can see how fair you are.
I close my eyes and there you are.

If you could see the magic,
if you could see me too,
there would be nothing tragic
in all my dreams of you.

Would that my love knowing, knowing I want you so?
I can't erase your beautiful face before me.

I can't erase your beautiful face before me.


Istigkeit ha dit...

Tienda de campaña montada, ¡ya estoy instalado! Cuando tenga algo de dinero traigo una mesa de pin-pon, un sofá para pensar y algún que otro gato sin ojo, y junto con estas canciones, oye, como en casa.

Creo que me ha salido un comentario super estético. A ver, a ver... :D

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